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Model Definition

A Tungsten model is defined as a class with define_model decorator in

from typing import List
import torch
from tungstenkit import BaseIO, Image, define_model

class Input(BaseIO):
    prompt: str

class Output(BaseIO):
    image: Image

    python_packages=["torch", "torchvision"],
class TextToImageModel:
    def setup(self):
        weights = torch.load("./weights.pth")
        self.model = load_torch_model(weights)

    def predict(self, inputs: List[Input]) -> List[Output]:
        input_tensor = preprocess(inputs)
        output_tensor = self.model(input_tensor)
        outputs = postprocess(output_tensor)
        return outputs

Here you can find the elements needed to define a Tungsten model:

  • Input/Output classes
  • setup method
  • predict method
  • Runtime configuration (e.g. batch size & device type)
  • Dependencies (e.g. Python packages)

Basic Usage

Declare input/output types

Input/output types are declared by passing them as arguments of define_model decorator:

from typing import List
import torch
from tungstenkit import BaseIO, Image, define_model

class Input(BaseIO):
    prompt: str

class Output(BaseIO):
    image: Image

    python_packages=["torch", "torchvision"],
class TextToImageModel:
    def setup(self):
        weights = torch.load("./weights.pth")
        self.model = load_torch_model(weights)

    def predict(self, inputs: List[Input]) -> List[Output]:
        input_tensor = preprocess(inputs)
        output_tensor = self.model(input_tensor)
        outputs = postprocess(output_tensor)
        return outputs

See Building Your Model - Input/Output to learn how to define input/output.

Define how to load a model

You can define the setup method for loading a model:

from typing import List
import torch
from tungstenkit import BaseIO, Image, define_model

class Input(BaseIO):
    prompt: str

class Output(BaseIO):
    image: Image

    python_packages=["torch", "torchvision"],
class TextToImageModel:
    def setup(self):
        weights = torch.load("./weights.pth")
        self.model = load_torch_model(weights)

    def predict(self, inputs: List[Input]) -> List[Output]:
        input_tensor = preprocess(inputs)
        output_tensor = self.model(input_tensor)
        outputs = postprocess(output_tensor)
        return outputs

As you can see, the weights.pth file is required to setup. Before containerizing, you should make sure that the file exists in the build directory.


Avoid downloading model weights or building binaries within the setup method. This slows down the model server launch time and prevents the model from running in an isolated network environment. In fact, all models pushed to are unable to access the internet while running for security issues and mitigating speed degradation caused by cold starts. Instead, define the post_build method executed while containerizing.

Define how a prediction works

The predict method defines the computation performed at every prediction request.

It takes a non-empty list of Input objects as an argument, and should return a list of the same number of Output objects.

from typing import List
import torch
from tungstenkit import BaseIO, Image, define_model

class Input(BaseIO):
    prompt: str

class Output(BaseIO):
    image: Image

    python_packages=["torch", "torchvision"],
class TextToImageModel:
    def setup(self):
        weights = torch.load("./weights.pth")
        self.model = load_torch_model(weights)

    def predict(self, inputs: List[Input]) -> List[Output]:
        input_tensor = preprocess(inputs)
        output_tensor = self.model(input_tensor)
        outputs = postprocess(output_tensor)
        return outputs

During runtime, Tungstenkit automatically keeps all options same in a batch. So, you can define the predict method of a text-to-image generaton model like this:

from typing import List
from tungstenkit import BaseIO, Image, define_model, Option

class Input(BaseIO):
    prompt: str
    width: int = Option(
        choices=[128, 256],
    height: int = Option(
        choices=[128, 256],

class Output(BaseIO):
    image: Image

@define_model(input=Input, output=Output)
class TextToImageModel:
    def predict(self, inputs: List[Input]) -> List[Output]:
        options = inputs[0]
        prompts = [inp.prompt for inp in inputs]
        pil_images = self.model(prompts, width=options.width, height=options.height)
        images = [Image.from_pil_image(pil_image) for pil_image in pil_images]
        outputs = [Output(image=image) for image in images]
        return outputs

Declare dependencies and runtime configuration

You can declare dependencies and runtime configuration via define_model decorator:

from typing import List
import torch
from tungstenkit import BaseIO, Image, define_model

class Input(BaseIO):
    prompt: str

class Output(BaseIO):
    image: Image

    python_packages=["torch", "torchvision"],
class TextToImageModel:
    def setup(self):
        weights = torch.load("./weights.pth")
        self.model = load_torch_model(weights)

    def predict(self, inputs: List[Input]) -> List[Output]:
        input_tensor = preprocess(inputs)
        output_tensor = self.model(input_tensor)
        outputs = postprocess(output_tensor)
        return outputs

The define_model decorator takes the following keyword-only arguments:

  • input (BaseIO): The input class.
  • output (BaseIO): The output class.
  • demo_output (BaseIO | None): The demo output class. It is required only when the predict_demo method is defined (default: None).
  • batch_size (int): Max batch size for adaptive batching (default: 1).
  • gpu (bool): Indicates if the model requires GPUs (default: False).
  • cuda_version (str | None): CUDA version in <major>[.<minor>[.<patch>]] format. If None (default), the cuda version will be automatically determined as compatible with python_packages. Otherwise, fix the CUDA version as cuda_version.
  • gpu_mem_gb (int): Minimum GPU memory size required to run the model (default: 16). This argument will be ignored if gpu==False.
  • python_packages (list[str] | None): A list of pip requirements in <name>[==<version>] format. If None (default), no extra Python packages are added.
  • python_version (str | None): Python version to use in <major>[.<minor>] format. If None (default), the python version will be automatically determined as compatible with python_packages while prefering the current Python version. Otherwise, fix the Python version as python_version.
  • system_packages (list[str] | None): A list of system packages that will installed by the system package manager (e.g. apt). The default value is None. This argument will be ignored while using a custom base image, because Tungstenkit cannot decide which package manager to use.
  • mem_gb (int): Minimum memory size required to run the model (default: 8).
  • include_files (list[str] | None): A list of patterns as in .gitignore. If None (default), all files in the working directory and its subdirectories are added, which is equivalent to [*].
  • exclude_files (list[str] | None): A list of patterns as in .gitignore for matching which files to exclude. If None (default), all hidden files and Python bytecodes are ignored, which is equivalent to [".*/", "__pycache__/", "*.pyc", "*.pyo", "*.pyd"].
  • dockerfile_commands (list[str] | None): A list of dockerfile commands (default: None). The commands will be executed before setting up python packages.
  • base_image (str | None): Base docker image in <repository>[:<tag>] format. If None (default), the base image is automatically selected with respect to pip packages, the device type, and the CUDA version. Otherwise, use it as the base image and system_packages will be ignored.

Advanced Usage

Define post-build commands

If you want to download weights or build binaries while containerizing, you can define post_build method:

from typing import List
from diffusers import DiffusionPipeline
import torch
from tungstenkit import define_model

class TextToImageModel:
    def post_build():
        """Download Stable Diffusion weights"""
            "stabilityai/stable-diffusion-2-1", cache_dir="model_cache"

    def setup(self):
        """Load Stable Diffusion weights"""
        self.pipe = DiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained(

    def predict(self, inputs: List[Input]) -> List[Output]:

Define how a demo prediction works

You can define an object detection model like this:

from typing import List
from tungstenkit import BaseIO, Image, define_model

class BoundingBox(BaseIO):
    xmin: int
    xmax: int
    ymin: int
    ymax: int

class Detection(BaseIO):
    label: str
    bbox: BoundingBox

class Input(BaseIO):
    image: Image

class Output(BaseIO):
    detections: List[Detection]

@define_model(input=Input, output=Output)
class ObjectDetectionModel:
    def setup(self):

    def predict(self, inputs: List[Input]) -> List[Output]:

But it doesn't contain any visualization, so you'll only get raw JSONs on the demo page.

Then, you could add the visualization result to the output:

from typing import List
from tungstenkit import BaseIO, Image, define_model

class BoundingBox(BaseIO):
    xmin: int
    xmax: int
    ymin: int
    ymax: int

class Detection(BaseIO):
    label: str
    bbox: BoundingBox

class Input(BaseIO):
    image: Image

class Output(BaseIO):
    detections: List[Detection]
    visualized: Image

@define_model(input=Input, output=Output)
class ObjectDetectionModel:
    def setup(self):

    def predict(self, inputs: List[Input]) -> List[Output]:

This can improve the demo page, but introduces the visualization overhead of the API.

In such a case, you can separate the method for demo predictions:

from typing import List, Tuple, Dict
from tungstenkit import BaseIO, Image, define_model

class BoundingBox(BaseIO):
    xmin: int
    xmax: int
    ymin: int
    ymax: int

class Detection(BaseIO):
    label: str
    bbox: BoundingBox

class Input(BaseIO):
    image: Image

class Output(BaseIO):
    detections: List[Detection]

class Visualization(BaseIO):
    result: Image

class ObjectDetectionModel:
    def setup(self):

    def predict(self, inputs: List[Input]) -> List[Output]:

    def predict_demo(
        inputs: List[Input]
    ) -> Tuple[List[Output], List[Visualization]]:
        outputs = self.predict(inputs)
        pil_images = visualize(inputs, outputs)
        images = [Image.from_pil_image(pil_image) for pil_image in pil_images]
        visualizations = [Visualization(result=image) for image in images]
        return outputs, visualizations
Then, the predict method is executed when a prediction is requested through the API, but the predict_demo method is called for a demo request.